The name Mzllah is no accident. It celebrates the ancient traditions of Bedouin coffee brewing that are our inspiration. Traditional coffee rituals called for three types of Dallat – or coffee pots – when preparing and serving Arabic coffee. The coffee was brewed with cardamom in the hard-wearing Dallah Al Khamrah. The brew was then steeped with additional herbs and spices in the Dallah Al Talgeemah.

The name Mzllah is no accident. It celebrates the ancient traditions of Bedouin coffee brewing that are our inspiration. Traditional coffee rituals called for three types of Dallat – or coffee pots – when preparing and serving Arabic coffee. The coffee was brewed with cardamom in the hard-wearing Dallah Al Khamrah. The brew was then steeped with additional herbs and spices in the Dallah Al Talgeemah.